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Partner event 23 November 2021 - Online event

Hydrogen and beyond: how solar fuels and chemicals will decarbonize the world

Practical information


23 Nov 2021


10:00 AM - 1:45 PM

10:00 – 11:15 CET
Panel session: Hydrogen, ammonia, hydrazine & beyond: decarbonizing industry with solar fuels

Industry is responsible for more than 24% of CO2 emissions. As one of the largest contributors, decarbonizing industry is key to achieving all the climate change abatement targets. In this session, companies discuss the role of solar fuels in decarbonizing industrial processes.

  • Get access to expert analysis on the role of solar fuels in energy intensive industries such as iron and steelmaking, refining, cement, chemicals, and fertilizers
  • Consider what key solar fuels could take permanent roles in specific industrial processes
  • Find out at what price solar fuels would become competitive compared to fossil fuels for different processes
  • Understand what solar fuels are key to companies in their decarbonization projects and what technological developments are still required

11:15 – 12:30 CET
How to make cost competitive solar fuels

In this session, industry insiders and experts analyse different processes involved in creating solar fuels, their level of technological readiness and whether solar fuels are a realistic alternative to fossil fuels in the short-term.

  • Understand the level of advancement of solar fuels at the commercial level and what investment and growth is expected in the short and medium term
  • Analyse the decarbonization potential of different solar fuels or power to X from solar sources, scaling up potential and commercial value
  • Learn how solar fuels will become a commercial reality, competing with fossil fuels in the near term and get an insight into the projected cost of solar fuels.

12:30 – 13:30 CET
Cutting edge R&D for the solar fuels of tomorrow

In this session we analyse the future development of solar fuels over the next decade, particularly the main lines of research right now and what can be expected for the future.

  • Hear about the R&D efforts that are pushing solar fuels forward throughout Europe
  • Find out more about different solar fuel production paths, including photochemical, photobiological, thermochemical and electrochemical technologies, and what is the state of each technology
  • Have your say on the type of R&D that your company needs and that you would like research institutions to focus their funding and efforts on
  • Participate in the decision-making process that will see certain solar fuel production technologies being prioritised at EU-level, based on their decarbonization potential.